Traffic to Yiwu

Dolphin tell you how to traffic to Yiwu.

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How to get to Yiwu

Yiwu (义乌) is located in central Zhejiang province near the southeast coast of China. It's famous as the world's wholesale commodity center, attracting numerous importers and businesses worldwide. For those looking to navigate the vast Yiwu market, accessing a Yiwu trade market map can be invaluable.

Since Yiwu is a county-level city, there isn't any international air service that can come there. Because of this, when importers come,

  • Shanghai

  • Guangzhou

  • Shenzhen

  • Hangzhou

Then take another journey to Yiwu. Whether you are planning your visit or looking to find the best routes and services in the city, considering the assistance of a Yiwu sourcing agent can provide significant benefits in navigating the local market and logistics.

There are three ways to go to Yiwu: by airline, train, or long-distance bus. It's quite convenient to use your passport to purchase tickets.

1. How to get to Yiwu from Guangzhou/Shenzhen?

There are following two ways to get to Yiwu from Guangzhou/Shenzhen:

a. Get to Yiwu by Airplane

To avoid using urban transportation, it's recommended to take another flight to Yiwu from Guangzhou or Shenzhen airport if your international flight will arrive there. This way, you can reach your destination in just 2 hours.

b. Get to Yiwu by Train

In case you plan to spend some time in Guangzhou, you can take the train to Yiwu by following these steps: First, take Subway Line 2 (running from Jiahewanggang to Guangzhou Nan Railway Station between 6:00-23:00) to reach Guangzhou Nan Railway Station. After that, you can take a high-speed train to Yiwu. The train tickets are priced based on three classes: CNY 2131 ($327) for business class, CNY 1110 ($170) for first-class, and CNY 674 ($103) for second-class.

If you plan to take the train from Shenzhen to Yiwu, you need to take a high-speed train or intercity rail from Shenzhen to Guangzhou first and then transfer to a train to Yiwu. Unfortunately, there are no direct high-speed trains from Shenzhen to Yiwu, only fast passenger trains, which take approximately 15 hours to reach Yiwu. Therefore, it's recommended to take the high-speed train or intercity rail to Guangzhou first and then transfer to Yiwu for a smoother and quicker journey.

High-speed train from Guangzhou to Yiwu

2. How to get to Yiwu from Shanghai/Hangzhou?

There are following three ways to get to Yiwu from Shanghai/Hangzhou:

a. Get to Yiwu from Shanghai Pudong Airport (by Bus/Private Car)

If you arrive at Shanghai for your international flight, taking the bus to Yiwu could be a convenient transportation option as the two cities are 300km apart. You can head to the bus station on the second floor of the waiting hall, buy a ticket (priced at CNY 180, approximately $27) using your passport, and board the bus. The bus will take you to the Yiwu wholesale market bus station (located near District 5), also known as the Yiwu International Business & Trade City Passenger Transport Center (义乌商贸城客运中心). The journey takes around 4.5 hours.

Buses from Pudong airport to Yiwu

At times, private cars (usually Buick MVP or Honda Odyssey) are available at the bus station to take passengers to Yiwu. The drivers do not want to return empty-handed after driving someone to Pudong Airport from Yiwu. These cars charge around CNY 800/car ($123). If you want car-pooling, it's better to look for someone going to Yiwu at the airport and discuss sharing the total fee. However, these private cars may not be available all the time, but you may get lucky and find one. Although this option is faster and more convenient, it's advisable to negotiate the fare with the driver before finalizing your trip.

Shanghai Pudong Airport Shanghai Pudong Airport

b. Get to Yiwu by Train from Shanghai

If you prefer to travel to Yiwu by train from Shanghai, you can take Subway Line 2 to Hongqiao Railway Station (虹桥火车站 terminal station) and then purchase a high-speed train ticket to Yiwu. The train departs from Shanghai every 5-10 minutes between 6:00 to 20:00 daily and reaches Yiwu in just 1.5 hours. The ticket prices are categorized into three classes - business class (CNY 377 or $58), first-class (CNY 201 or $30), and second-class (CNY 123 or $19).

c. Get to Yiwu from Hangzhou Airport or Railway Station

Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang province, is located 100km away from Yiwu. If you arrive at Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport, taking the bus to Yiwu is a convenient option. The bus station is situated at the No.14 gate of the airport terminal, and it takes 1.6 hours to reach the bus station located in District 5 of Yiwu wholesale market. Buses depart from the airport every 40 minutes during the daytime, and the interval of each bus becomes 1 hour in the evening, until 21:30. The fare for the bus ride is CNY 62 ($9.5).

Similarly, at the bus station in Hangzhou, you may find private cars (like those I mentioned above for Shanghai Airport) waiting to take passengers to Yiwu. These cars charge around CNY 350/car ($54). Car-pooling is also an option, and you can discuss sharing the fare with someone who is also heading to Yiwu. Bargaining may be needed in this case as well.

Alternatively, you could take the train to Yiwu from Hangzhou. To do so, you need to take Subway Line 1 to Hangzhou Dong Railway Station (杭州东站), which is specifically for high-speed trains (different from Hangzhou Railway Station, 杭州火车站). Trains to Yiwu depart every 10-15 minutes, with over 60 trains available daily from 6:00 to 22:00. The train tickets come in three price categories: CNY 158 ($24) for business class, CNY 84 ($13) for first class, and CNY 50 ($7.7) for second class.

Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport

3. How to go to Hotel/Wholesale Market from Yiwu Airport/Railway Station?

Yiwu Airport is a small airport used for military and civil purposes, located around 5.5km from the center of Yiwu. The only transportation option to reach the hotel/market area is by taxi.

Taxi fares start from CNY 8 ($1.23) within 2 km, CNY 2.5/km ($0.38) between 2-6 km, and CNY 3.5/km ($0.54) for distances more than 6 km. However, some taxi drivers at the airport may not use the meter when you get in, instead, they often give you an overall price. Therefore, you should remember to bargain with them to avoid being overcharged.

Similarly, Yiwu Railway Station is located 9km northwest of the city center, and taking a taxi is the best option to reach the hotel/market area. The fare for the taxi ride is usually around CNY 30+ ($4.5), but it's better to ask the driver to use the meter before getting in, to avoid being charged unfairly.

Alternatively, if you have friends or suppliers in Yiwu, you could ask them to pick you up from the airport or railway station to ensure a fair price and a safe journey.

Yiwu Airport Yiwu Railway Station

4. The Public Transportation in Yiwu –Taxi is The Most Convenient

As a county-level city, Yiwu does not have many public transportation options available to travelers. There is no subway, and the bus service stops early, with very few buses running after 6:00 pm and none operating past 7:00 pm near the wholesale markets. Additionally, most local residents are not familiar with the bus routes. Therefore, taking a taxi is the best option for getting to the hotel/market area. The good news is that taxis in Yiwu are relatively affordable, making them a convenient and budget-friendly transportation choice.

Taxi in Yiwu Bus in Yiwu

5. How to Go Back to Shanghai/Hangzhou Airpot from Yiwu?

Two ways are available when leaving to Shanghai/Hangzhou airport when finishing your visit in Yiwu: taxi and bus.

a. By Taxi/Private Car

Similarly to getting to Yiwu, you can also take a taxi or private car to return to Shanghai or Hangzhou airport. The prices for these services are the same as when you arrived in Yiwu.

Before leaving the hotel, you can ask the front desk to book a taxi for you one or two days in advance. Alternatively, you could ask drivers waiting outside the hotel for help. Another way is to request the phone number of the driver who took you to Yiwu, and contact them one day before your departure; they may offer you a discount of around CNY 200 ($30).

If you are traveling to Hangzhou airport, the fare for the taxi is around CNY 350 ($54) per car. While if you are going to Shanghai airport, it will cost you around CNY 800 ($123) per car. If you took the same driver's car for traveling to and from Yiwu, the total fee would be around CNY 1400 ($215).

b. By Bus

You can also take a taxi to the bus station located in District 5 of the Yiwu wholesale market and buy a ticket to Shanghai Pudong Airport or Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport. The bus fares are CNY 180 ($27) to Shanghai and CNY 62 ($9.5) to Hangzhou, as I previously mentioned. Buses to Shanghai airport depart every 2-3 hours from 6:15 to 16:30, with a total of 5 buses operating each day. Meanwhile, buses to Hangzhou airport operate more frequently, with departures every 40-60 minutes from 6:20 to 19:20.

If you find it too expensive to take a taxi or private car, or the bus to Shanghai takes too long, you could consider taking the high-speed train to Shanghai instead. Once you reach Shanghai, you could transfer to the subway to reach your desired destination, which is both a convenient and cost-effective option.

Yiwu international trade city bus station.

Learn about the Yiwu wholesale market address from Dolphin now!

Location: Google map

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